

Patient Educators

Talk to someone who has been in your shoes

Patient Educators are men and their partners who have taken control of erectile dysfunction (ED) with a penile implant, or incontinence (leakage) with a male sling—so they understand how these issues can affect self-confidence, relationships, and everyday life.

If you have questions about what life is like with the Titan® penile implant and/or the Virtue® male sling, these individuals are ready to answer your questions and share their experiences with you.

View disclaimer and important safety information.

Tony W.

Tony can speak to you about penile implants and male slings.


Icon of two, overlapping hearts



Condition: ED & leakage

Cause: Prostate removal & blood pressure meds

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Cece W.

Cece can speak to you about penile implants and male slings.


Icon of two, overlapping hearts


Partner Condition: ED & leakage

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Bob P.

Bob can speak to you about penile implants.


Icon of two, overlapping hearts



Condition: ED

Cause: Peyronie’s disease

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James C.

James can speak to you about penile implants.


Icon of two, overlapping hearts



Condition: ED

Cause: Diabetes

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Bob T.

Bob can speak to you about penile implants.


Icon of two, overlapping hearts



Condition: ED

Cause: Prostate cancer treatments (radiation)

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Disclaimer: These conversations reflect Patient Educators’ experiences with the Titan® Inflatable Penile Implant and Virtue® Male Sling. Coloplast invited these Patient Educators to share their stories and they receive compensation. Each person’s situation is unique; your experience may not be the same. Talk with your doctor about whether these products are right for you.


Important safety information
Titan® & Titan Touch Inflatable Penile Prosthesis

The Titan Inflatable Penile Prosthesis is a surgically implanted mechanical penile implant intended for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men. The Titan implant is a 3-piece fluid-filled system manually operated to produce and sustain an erection for sexual intercourse.


The Titan Inflatable Penile Prosthesis is indicated for male patients with erectile dysfunction who are considered to be candidates for implantation of a penile prosthesis.


The Titan implant is not for use in patients who have one or more of the following conditions: 1) have an active infection, particularly urinary tract or genital infection, 2) are sensitive or allergic to silicone or polyurethane, 3) have ongoing difficulty urinating or emptying the bladder (e.g., bladder outlet obstruction or neurogenic bladder), or 4) unwilling to undergo any further surgery for device revision.


Patients should consider the warnings, precautions and potential complications associated with the use of this product, which may include the following: potential for resurgery (note: device is not a lifetime implant). Implantation makes latent natural erections, as well as other interventional treatment options, impossible. Implantation may result in penile shortening, curvature or scarring. Pre-existing abdominal or penile scarring or contracture may make surgical implantation more complicated or impractical. Diabetic, as well as immunocompromised patients, may have an increased risk of infection which could result in permanent damage to tissue/organs. Excessive stresses from rigorous exercise and vigorous masturbation/intercourse could lead to device damage. Certain stresses and pressures (straddle seating, obesity, etc.) could lead to involuntary inflation or deflation. Post-implant penile size, girth and angle can vary based on patient anatomy, implant size, level of inflation, and presence of Peyronie’s disease.


Patients with spinal cord injury may have an increased risk of infection. This device may be used to treat erectile dysfunction in the presence of Peyronie’s disease. Although the implant is not visible, depending on the placement (submuscular) the reservoir may be palpable.

Patients should consider the following factors which could lead to increased risk of failure and can be critical to the eventual success of the procedure: ability and willingness of the patient to follow instructions; associated psychological status (e.g., psychogenic erectile dysfunction, inappropriate attitude or motivation); health conditions which hamper sexual activity (such as severe angina) may prevent successful use of this device; manual dexterity problems; and lack sufficient manual dexterity or strength necessary to operate the device.

Impact injuries to the pelvic or abdominal areas (e.g., sports injuries) can result in damage to the implant which may necessitate replacement of the device. Contracture of tissue around the pump can cause unnatural firmness in the scrotum and involuntary inflation or deflation. The device may fail to deflate and/or deflation of the device may be slow or difficult for some patients. Device malfunctions may result in the inability to inflate or deflate the device. Removal of the device without timely reimplantation of a new implant may complicate subsequent reimplantation.

Potential Complications

Adverse events are known to occur with penile protheses procedures and implants; some may require revision surgery or removal of the implant. Adverse events following penile protheses implantation may be new onset (de novo), persistent, worsening, transient, or permanent.

Adverse events may include but are not limited to: inability to pull foreskin back from tip of uncircumcised penis (acquired phimosis); abnormal wound healing/adhesion/scar tissue; bladder storage symptoms/urinary retention; tightening, shortening, deformity or curvature of penis (capsular contracture, induration); discomfort/pain; injury to tissue or organs (perforation/erosion/extrusion) resulting in damage or loss of tissue (necrosis); open tunnel between tissue or organs (fistula); foreign body reaction/allergic reaction/sensitivity; bleeding/hemorrhage or collection of blood or fluid outside of tissue or vessels (hematoma/seroma); hernia; Infection/urinary tract infection; redness or swelling (inflammation/edema); difficult or painful intercourse (dyspareunia/sexual dysfunction); obstruction/occlusion; numbness or decreased sensation (e.g., hypoesthesia); and urinary incontinence. The occurrence of these events may require one or more subsequent surgeries which may or may not always fully correct the complication.

This treatment is prescribed by your physician. Discuss the treatment options with your physician to understand the risks and benefits of the various options to determine if an inflatable penile implant is right for you.

Caution: Federal law (USA) restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.

PM-15451 / Feb 2024

Virtue® Male Sling System Important Safety Information

Virtue Male Sling is a polypropylene mesh device or “sling” intended to prevent involuntary urine leakage (incontinence) at times of increased pressure on the bladder (e.g., coughing, sneezing, laughing, lifting heavy objects, exercise). It is permanently implanted to support, elevate and gently compress the urethra, the tube that connects to the bladder to carry urine outside of the body.


The Virtue Male Sling System is an implantable, suburethral support sling indicated for the treatment of male stress urinary incontinence (SUI).


The Virtue Male Sling is contraindicated in patients with one or more of the following conditions: 1) documented hypersensitivity or allergic reaction to polypropylene, 2) active infection, including untreated urinary tract and/or infection in the operative field, 3) patients with untreated or serious blood clotting (coagulation) disorders, 4) patients with blockage of urine flow (obstructive uropathy), 5) patients under the age of 18.


Your physician will conduct a complete evaluation with testing to confirm you are a candidate for a male sling. Patients will then be advised prior to surgery, of the warnings associated with the use of this product, the associated surgical and postoperative risks and potential complications. Sling associated complications may result in resurgery which may lead to partial or complete removal of the sling. Complete removal of the sling may not always be possible, and removal may not fully correct these complications. New onset (de novo) complications may occur. As with all surgical procedures, patients with certain underlying conditions may be more susceptible to postoperative bleeding, impaired blood supply, compromised/delayed healing, sling exposure or other complications and adverse events. The risk versus benefit of the male sling should be considered in patients with one or more of the following conditions: auto-immune disease, blood clotting (coagulation) disorder, connective tissue disease, impaired immune system (debilitated or immunocompromised state), diabetes, pelvic radiation therapy, physical characteristics (e.g., body mass index), kidney problems (renal insufficiency), smoking related conditions (e.g., COPD, chronic cough).

Potential Complications

Adverse events are known to occur with sling procedures and implants. Adverse events following sling implantation may be immediate or delayed, localized or systemic, new onset (de novo) or worsening, acute or chronic, transient or permanent.

Adverse events may include but are not limited to: allergic reaction, hypersensitivity; abnormal immune response (autoinflammatory/autoimmunity syndrome); bladder symptoms (e.g., increased daytime frequency, urgency, nocturia (urinating more than once per night), overactive bladder, urinary incontinence); bleeding/hemorrhage; delayed/impaired/abnormal wound healing; exposure, extrusion or erosion of sling into other structures or organs; fistula formation (abnormal connection or passageway between two structures in the body); foreign body granuloma (abnormal tissue formation)/scar tissue formation; genital burning / tingling / numbness (paresthesia); infection; tissue swelling/redness/discomfort (inflammation/irritation); avoidance/difficult/painful intercourse (dyspareunia / sexual dysfunction); tissue death (necrosis); weakness or loss of sensation (neuromuscular disorder); palpable mesh; pain; perforation or injury to adjacent muscles, nerves, vessels, structures, or organs (e.g., bone, bladder, urethra, ureters, bowel); collection of clear fluid or blood outside of tissue or vessels (seroma/hematoma); sling migration; urinary tract infection; inability to completely empty bladder (urinary tract obstruction); voiding symptoms (e.g., dysuria (painful urination), urinary retention, incomplete emptying, bladder outlet obstruction, straining, position-dependent voiding, slow stream).

This treatment is prescribed by your physician. Discuss the treatment options with your physician to understand the risks and benefits of the various options to determine if a male sling is right for you.

Caution: Federal law (USA) restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.

PM-15544 / Apr 2024

Tony W.


Icon of two, overlapping hearts



Condition: ED & leakage

Cause: Prostate removal & blood pressure meds


About Me

I’ve been on blood pressure pills since the age of 35. And in November of 2018, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. My wife and I chose to have the prostate removed. We were aware of the ED and leakage risk. After surgery, there was 100% ED along with urine leakage. I had to wear leakage pads every day.

Treatments Tried

Over a 2-year period, my doctor prescribed ED pills, penile pump, and shots. I hated those shots because I dislike needles. They were very uncomfortable, and no erection whatsoever. Not to mention, I was changing out 4 to 5 pads a day for my leakage issue on top of this.

I was hurt and couldn’t perform. My wife and I had just gotten married. As a man, it was very difficult not being able to fulfill that part of the relationship anymore. My wife suggested we should investigate the penile implant. So, I called my doctor and informed him about what was going on. His response was, “No problem. I know something that will work. You have been through a lot.” He referred me to a urologist who specialized in this surgery and was also able to treat my leakage through the Coloplast male sling. I had the surgery, and it was a game-changer for me!

Life After Implant

Since the surgery, my confidence is back, and sexual intimacy is alive in the marriage again. Leakage is down to using one pad a day because my leakage was fixed during the same surgery as well.

Our marriage is complete now. My wife told me the 2-year sexual drought was worth the wait. As they say in fairy tale stories… And They Lived Happily Ever After.

Cece W.


Icon of two, overlapping hearts


Partner Condition: ED & leakage


About Me

I thought I was done with relationships until I met my now husband, Tony. We both had been through similar situations in our life. We had the same goals for our future. Our children are grown and it’s time to live, laugh, love. There was only one thing missing, our sexual intimacy. We found out that Tony had prostate cancer, and the treatment caused erectile dysfunction and leakage.

Treatments Tried

After Tony’s prostate removal surgery, we tried everything: pills, shots, pumps. The pills worked sometimes, and the shots were painful. So, there was a point where we didn’t bother. Tony was very frustrated, and I felt bad that he couldn’t perform. Then I brought up the idea to him about getting a penile implant. He was very interested and wanted to do whatever he could for us to regain our sexual life back. So, we reached out to his prostate doctor, and he gave us the information to the best doctor who does this type of procedure. In addition to this, he was also using multiple pads a day for his leakage.

My husband contacted the doctor who specializes in penile implants, who also specializes in male slings for leakage. The surgery went well, and Tony followed all the doctor’s instructions. We were excited and took our time making sure he healed properly.

Life After Implant

It is one of the best decisions we made! No pills, no shots, no waiting. Pads are down to using one per day and we can go out and live our lives in social situations and travel again. We can be spontaneous and take our time with intimacy. We are laughing living, loving, and having the best time. It feels very natural, and we now have a great sex life!

Bob P.


Icon of two, overlapping hearts



Condition: ED

Cause: Peyronie’s disease


About Me

I’m a native Californian, moved to Georgia, and then finally to Texas!  I’ve been a business professional for 46 years and recently retired from a career in dental implants and related dental technologies. I’m happily married and still in love with my true Texas sweetheart of 37 years! We are a real estate team specializing in farm and ranch and first-time home buyers and also enjoy our ranch and pool!

Treatments Tried

From my late 50’s to my early 60’s, I had ED due to mostly emotional issues. I tried ViagraTM and CialisTM, but both were unsuccessful and were unpredictable for me. When the Peyronie’s reared its ugly head, it forced me to look toward a more serious and permanent solution. My implant has been a blessing to us both.

Life After Implant

From the implantation date till today, I’ve had nothing to complain about any part of this process or product performance. I, or “We,” love my implant!

TM* Third party brands are property of their respective owners.

James C.


Icon of two, overlapping hearts



Condition: ED

Cause: Diabetes


About Me

I was diagnosed with diabetes, which was the reason for my ED. Being unsure that I wouldn’t be able to “finish what I started” left me with very low self-esteem and a fear of being intimate with my wife.

Treatments Tried

My doctor prescribed pills and a penile pump, but both of these options caused pain, discomfort and did not work after a short length of time.

I saw an ad for a men’s health seminar on erectile dysfunction where a doctor talked about a 3-piece Titan® penile implant by Coloplast. I made an appointment with my urologist and had the implant surgery. My wife and I both think this was an excellent decision.

Life After Implant

My self-esteem and intimacy with my wife are back to 100%. Since it is a mechanical device, I am able to have an erection “on command” for the rest of my life.

My wife tells me that if it were to fail in any way, she would have me in the doctor’s office tomorrow to have it repaired or replaced.

Bob T.


Icon of two, overlapping hearts



Condition: ED

Cause: Prostate cancer treatments (radiation)


About Me

I was raised and went to college in Southern California. In fact that is where I met my wife. We were high school sweethearts and remain so having been happily married for 50 plus years. My professional life has been as a sales and marketing executive for national brand consumer products companies. My career track took us to the east coast where we presently reside. We are very active and enjoy sailing and traveling among other hobbies.

Treatments Tried

In 2018 I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. My wife and I decided on radiation treatment which lead to ED. My doctor first prescribed Viagra® and/or Cialis®. Both seemed to work initially but over time became less effective. Eventually other options were prescribed, including Trimix injections. These were not successful at all and painful to boot. It was then that my doctor suggested I look into a penile implant. After extensive investigation I determined that it was the solution we were looking for.

Life After Implant

For me when asked the question “would you do it again” I would not only say yes but that I wish I had done it sooner! My wife would say the same thing. Looking back in hindsight I feel I made a great decision. With that said I had lots of questions and concerns beforehand and I am grateful my decisions were made easier by a patient educator, someone who had already gone through it. He was able to answer all of my questions and I stand ready to do the same for others. Please let me know how I can help.

* Third party trademarks are property of their respective owners.